Ja te n’has anat, cap pelat
Cançó popular valenciana / Valencian folk song
Ja te n’has anat, cap pelat;
no m’has dit adiós [= adéu], so mocós.
La sort, que tu tens poques dents;
que vas entre dos, lleganyós.
Now you have left, bald head;
you didn’t say to me “Goodbye”, you kid!
Your luck, that you haven’t many teeth;
and that you are among two people, sleep man!
Ja te n’has anat, cap pelat;
no m’has dit adiós [= adéu], so mocós.
Quan jo vull dansar, cap pelat;
que sobren xicons, so mocós.
Now you have left, bald head;
you didn’t say to me “Goodbye”, you kid!
When I want to dance, bald head;
I’ve got young men left, you kid!
Els tinc a parells, poques dents;
van de dos en dos, lleganyós.
Quan jo vull dansar, cap pelat;
em sobren xicons, so mocós.
I have many couples, not many teeth;
they go in partners, sleep man!
When I want to dance, bald head;
I’ve got young men left, you kid!
Font: Esta cançó apareix en un estudi de la Universitat d’Alacant, amb l’enllaç http://www.canpop.org/fitxa.php?id=66.