I’m forever blowing bubbles // Sempre estic bufant bombolles

I’m forever blowing bubbles

American folk song / Cançó popular nord-americana

Lyrics: / Lletra: Jaan Kenbrovin

Music: / Música: John Kellette


I’m dreaming dreams,

I’m scheming schemes,

I’m building castles high.

They’re born anew,

their days are few, just like a sweet butterfly;

and as the daylight is dawing,

they come again in the morning.

Estic somiant somnis,

estic planejant projectes,

estic construint castells de molta alçària.

Ells han nascut de nou,

tenen pocs dies,

tants com una papallona dolça;

i, mentres la llum del dia clareja,

ells venen, de nou, de matí.


I’m forever blowing bubbles,

pretty bubbles in the air.

They fly so high,

nearly reach the sky,

then, like my dreams,

they fade and die.

Sempre estic bufant bombolles,

bombolles boniques, en l’aire.

Volen tan alt,…

pròximes a arribar al cel,

que, com els meus millors somnis,

es difuminen i moren.


Fortune’s always hiding.

I’ve looked everywhere.

I’m forever blowing bubbles,

pretty bubbles in the air.

La fortuna, sempre fugint.

He mirat per totes parts.

Sempre estic bufant bombolles,

bombolles boniques, en l’aire.


When shadows creep,

when I’m asleep,

to lands of hope I stray.

Then, at daybreak,

when I awake,

my bluebird flutters away.

Quan les ombres s’arrosseguen,

quan m’adorm,

m’aparte a les terres d’esperança.

Aleshores, a l’eixida del sol,

quan em desperte,

el meu pardal blau ix volant.


Happiness, new, seemed so near me.

Happiness, come forth and heal me.

La felicitat, nova, semblava tan a prop de mi…

Felicitat, vine d’ara en avant i guarix-me.


Chorus: Fortune’s always hidding,…

Tornada: La fortuna, sempre fugint,…



Font: Per a escoltar tota la lletra que ací figura, podem anar a https://www.acousticmusicarchive.com/im-forever-blowing-bubbles-chrods-lyrics/. La sentirem amb veu de gramòfon. I per a escoltar-la i llegir-ne bona part, m’ha semblat interessant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6SXi4I47Qw.






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