Arxiu d'etiquetes: la vida em pertany

Que bé m’ho passe! // What a whale of a time I’m having!

Que bé m’ho passe!


¡Que bé m’ho passe

només de pensar que la vida és meua,

que tinc casa pròpia

i que, desenvolupant la generositat

des de dins, dorm com un rei!

What a whale of a time I’m having

just because I think that the life belongs to me,

that I have my own house

and that, developing the generosity

from inside, I sleep as a king!


“Adéu, comissions” vaig dir un dia

benvinguts, pares, amics i

altres flaires humans

“Bye-bye, commissions” I said one day,

welcome, parents, friends and

others human smells.


Cante a la vida

escric amb vida

… una bandolera que vola

I sing to the life

I write with the life

… a pennant that is flying


i una vida amb trellat

i com un tresor

ben viu,

que no mor…

and a life with sense

and as a treasure

very lively,

that doesn’t die… 


I un bon humor

que captiva i solta

And a good mood

that capture and sets free


i dos braços victoriosos

i un pas lleuger i mirant avant

i una ploma lliure que escriu

amb carta blanca…

i des de dins…

and two victorious arms

and a swift move and looking at forward

and a free style that writes

with carte blanche…

and from inside…


protagonista de ma vida

assaborint un bon dormir

i una flor groga com el sol


lead of my life

relishing a good sleep

and a yellow flower, yellow as the sun



… un dia rere l’altre,

des d’eixe somriure ben habitual

que sorgix amb autenticitat,

com un bes assertiu

xiula que xiularàs…

… day after day,

from that very current smile

that rises with autenticity,

like an assertive kiss

whistle you more and more…



La vida és meva // Life is mine


Lletra i música: Berta Peñalver

Cada cop ho penso més, la vida és meva.
Si tu vols anar-te'n, vés, segur que no t'aturaré.
Sé que ha sortit malament, la culpa és meva, no?
He oblidat tot el que sóc per ser més teva i jo...

No, no pensaré el que he sigut.
Jo perseguiré un camí que m'indiqui sempre on ser feliç,
que em dugui cap a on vulgui,
que m'ensenyi els anys que ja he perdut,
tan lluny de mi.

Viure tant la soledat em fa ser freda.
Caure tant al mateix lloc em fa desconfiar de tot.
Cada dia feies que em sentís més buida.
No volies conservar la meva llum i sé que...

No, no pensaré el que he sigut.
Jo perseguiré un camí que m'indiqui sempre on ser feliç,
que em dugui cap a on vulgui,
que m'ensenyi els anys que ja he perdut, que he perdut.
Vull llançar-me al buit, no vull un passat que em faci tornar enrere.

Lyrics and music: Berta Peñalver

More and more each day I think it more, life is mine.
If you want to leave, go, I'm sure I won't to stop you.
I know it turned out badly, it's my fault, isn't it?
I forgot all my singularity for being more yours and I...

No, I won't think what I was.
I will chase a way that always shows me where to be happy,
that will take me towards I would want,
that will show me the years I already lost, so far from me

Living so much loneliness makes me to be a colder woman.
Falling so many at the same scene makes me to have no faith in anything.
Each day you made I felt more empty-headed.
You didn't want to conserve my light and I know that...

No, I think what I was...
I will chase a way that always shows me where bo be happy,
that will take me towards what I would want,
that will show me the years I already lost, so far from me.
I want to throw me on deaf ears, I don't want a past that makes me to go back.


Font: La lletra figura en