Cançó popular valenciana / Valencian folk song
la filla del mestre,
diuen que festeja
‘en’ un xic foraster.
El diumenge,
quan va a missa d’onze,
el nóvio darrere
li porta el catret.
I, com és tan xicoteta,
meneja el culet. (2)
the teacher’s daughter,
people say she is courting
with a foreigner.
On Sunday,
when she comes to the eleven mass,
her fiancé, behind,
is giving her the stool.
And, that she is as little,
she moves the bum. (2)
la filla del mestre,
abans festejava
‘en’ un foraster.
I el diumenge,
quan va a missa d’onze,
ningú va darrere
portant-li el catret.
I, com és tan xicoteta,
meneja el culet. (2)
the teacher’s daughter,
before was going out
with a foreigner.
And on Sunday,
when she comes to the eleven mass,
nobody is behind her
giving her the stool.
And, that she is as little,
she moves the bum. (2)
la filla del mestre,
ja no se’n recorda
d’aquell foraster.
El diumenge,
quan va a missa d’onze,
un xicot del poble
li porta el catret.
I, com és tan xicoteta,
meneja el culet. (2)
the teacher’s daughter,
now doesn’t remember
that foreigner.
On Sunday,
when she comes to the eleven mass,
a young man of the village,
carries her the stool.
And, that she is as little,
she moves the bum. (2)
Lletra i música: Hem triat la que sentim en el vídeo
Font: La cançó figura en