El barranc de l’assut
Cançó popular valenciana / Valencian folk song
I a ta mare l’han vista
en el barranc de l’assut,
que es menjava una coca
que li xorrava suc.
Que li xorrava suc,
que li xorrava suc,
i a ta mare l’han vista
en el barranc de l’assut.
Some people have seen your mother
in the ravine of the weir,
and she was eating a flat cake
that was dripping sauce.
That was dripping sauce,
that was dripping sauce,
some people have seen your mother
in the ravine of the weir.
Ma mare m’envia a l’horta
a regar el melonar.
Jo em pegue una revolta
i me’n vaig a festejar.
My mother sends me away to the floodplain
to water the melon field.
I go for a walk
and… to court.
Tornada: I a ta mare l’han vista…
Chorus: Some people have seen your mother…
Les xiques del carrer nou,
totes, miren a la lluna
per a fer-se l’aixovar
i no se’n casa ninguna.
The young women of the new street
are looking at the moon
to prepare them their dowries
but none of them get married.
Tornada: I a ta mare l’han vista…
Chorus: Some people have seen your mother…
En ma vida m’he rist més
que una nit collint tomaques:
em vaig girar i vaig vore
una gallina amb sabates.
I’ve never died of laughter so much in my life
as one night while I was harvesting tomatoes:
I turned round and I saw
a hen with shoes.
Tornada: I a ta mare l’han vista…
Chorus: Some people have seen your mother…
Font: Podeu escoltar el vídeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmUJAokbgfU, amb la música del grup Carraixet.