El sereno // The “loudless”

El sereno

La coneguda cançó del sereno amb noves estrofes: / The Valencian known song of the “sereno”  [clear sky, loudless sky] with new stanzas:


* Sereno!, la una i mitja!…

El sereno ha mort un gos, se l’ha endut a l’hospital,

les xiquetes de costura se l’han fet amb oli i sal.

El sereno i la serena se n’anares a pescar

i tragueren dos anguiles, en el fondo de la mar.

… les dos i plovent!

The loudless!, half-past one!…

The sereno has died a dog, and he took it to the hospital,

the girls of needle-work have eaten it with salad and oil.

The loudless and his wife went to catch,

and got two eels in the low of the sea.

… two o’clock and raining!



* El sereno ha mort un gos, que li deien sagristà,

i a la una de la nit s’ha menjat ja tot el pa.

Sereno, la una, sereno, les dos,

sereno, no cal que tornes que em destorbes els somnis.

The loudless [= el sereno] has died a dog, named sexton,

and one o’clock at night he has already eaten all the bread.

Sereno, one o’clock, sereno, two o’clock,

loudless, it’s not precised you return, because you bother my dreams.


* El sereno s’ha perdut  en la font de la salut

i una iaia que passava va i es cau per un forat.

Sereno, les onze, sereno, les dotze,

sereno, acudeix al meu crit

sereno, que no vaig de buit.

The loudless was lost in the health fountain

and a grandma that walked near it… fancy! she fell in a hole.

Sereno, eleven o’clock, sereno, twelve o’clock,

loudless, attend you when I call you,

loudless, that I’m not empty.


* El sereno ha mort un moix i l’ha dut als Socors,

ha comprat un cèntim d’oli i un panet de dos,

per dinar, per sopar, per la nina no n’hi ha.

Uè, uè, no plores nineta, que encara n’hi ha.

The loudless has killed a cat and he took it to the Socors” [= Aid],

he bought a cent of oil and a little bread of two cents,

to have lunch, to have dinner, but there is no for the doll.

Hey!, hey!, don’t cry you, doll, that there is now yet.



Font: Les lletres són del disc Musiqueries, de Dani Miquel, i estan en 21. El sereno.