Ja plora el xic
Cançó popular valenciana / Valencian folk song
Ja plora el xic
perquè li han furtat
la trompa al xic
que son pare li ha comprat. (2)
Now the boy is crying
because he says that someone has stolen
the horn
that his father has bought it to him.
Torna-li la trompa al xic,
que li costa molts diners,
que li l’ha comprat son pare
i sa mare no [en] sap res. (2)
Return you the horn to the boy,
that it was very expensive,
that his father has bought it to him
and his mother doesn’t know it. (2)
Venim de la mar,
no portem diners.
Anem a cal mestre,
no n’hi ha res que fer.
We come back from the sea,
we have no money.
We are going to the teacher’s house,
there is nothing one can do about it.
Mo·n’anem a casa
i amb molt mal humor
de vore que venen,
de vore que venen
les Festes d’Agost.
We are going home
and with bad mood,
because the Agost Festivities
are near,
are near.
Tornada: Torna-li la trompa al xic… (2)
Chorus: Return you the horn to the boy… (2)
Font: Figura en http://www.canpop.org/fitxa.php?id=300, dins d’una recollida de la Universitat d’Alacant.
Nota: He respectat la forma res que fer en lloc de res a fer, que és l’acceptada actualment. De totes maneres podríem recordar la paraula valenciana quefer, faena que cal fer. I també he fet lo mateix amb n’hi ha en lloc de hi ha.