Cançons de l’oratge // Songs of the weather

Cançons de l’oratge

Cançons populars valencianes / Valencian folk songs


És tan important l’oratge en el nostre país, que la gent canta quan plou i quan fa sol.

The weather is so important in our country that the people sing when it is raining and when it is sunny.


* Ja cau aigua,


les campanes van al vol,

està contenta


perquè el nóvio

sí que la vol.

Now it is raining,

little water,

the bells are in flight,


is pleased

becaushe his boyfriend really

loves her.


* Ja plou, ja plou,

la mula i el bou.

Ja pixa l’auela,


i ceba.

Now it is raining,  now it is raining,

the female mule and the bull.

Now the grandmother is pissing,


and onion.


* Sol, solet,

vine a vore’m, vine a vore’m,

sol, solet,

vine a vore’m que tinc fred.

Si tens fred, posa’t la capa,

posa’t la capa,

si tens fred,

posa’t la capa i el barret.

Sun, little sun,

come to see me, come to see me,

sun, little sun,

come to see me that I am cold.

If you are cold, put the cloak,

put the cloak,

if you are cold,

put the cloak and the hat.


* Plou i fa sol,

les bruixes es pentinen,

plou i fa sol,

les bruixes porten dol.

It’s raining and  is sunny,

the witches are combing their hair,

it’s raining and is sunny,

the witches are in mourning. 



Font: Lletres del disc Musiqueries (Dani Miquel), corresponent al registre 22. Cançons de l’oratge.

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